
A newborn doctor who is enthusiastic about her career and passionate for her life and of course, she also dreams a lot when she is awake...

Saturday, February 25, 2006


My first pet - named Billie. It's a male puppy about 3 1/2 weeks old when i bought him home from the petshop. It's an inbreed between Shih Tzu and Poodle. It has a patch of whitish brisket, white beard and white paws wihtin its blackish furry body.

Born with nippy,alert and playful characters. Always seek attention and companion from his mistress.

I brought him for a stroll in the evening almost 3-4 times a week. A leash and a colar can never be forgetten before bringing him out, solely for attaching purposes, due to its over-friendly and pushy behaviour. I fed him with only petfood (dogbiscuits) and water. Bought him a few toys before, rubber balls, chewable bones, rawhide and buzzable toys. Grooming tools, brushing and washing toilets plus others like leashes, colar bells, food bowl, water bowl, crate...are his eseential expenses.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Oath taking ceremony

It's the oath taking ceremony today.It was held in the John Bosco Lecture Theatre, International Medical University, at 12 noon. I wouldn't know what 's like until it started. It was begun with an opening speech by our psychiatrist lecturer, Dr.Philip George, who congratulated us for making it through, until this final path, that he cannot call us dear students anymore, but "fellow colleagues"! It was kind of "unusual" and "strange" for me to feel that we are colleagues now, we are no longer "lecturer-student", "tutor-tutee" or "mentor-mentee" anymore! Sounds unbelievable, yet it is real!
It was followed by our oath-swearing, which about 60 over of us occupied the stage for about 10 mintes to make our oaths, led by our student leader, Dr.Yap and witnessed by all the doctors, lecturers, professors, consultants from our university falculty as well as Seremban General Hospital and Ministry of Health (a few of them).


Now that I am about to enter the noble profession of medicine,
I solemnly commit myself to observing its highest standards and traditions.

In caring for patients and in the pursuit of scientific knowledge,
I shall at all times act in ways that show respect for human life and dignity.

I shall always and only use my medical skill and knowledge for the good humanity,
In healing the sick and injured, in preventing ill-health, in relieving pain and distress,
In overcoming disability, in preventing untimely death,
And in caring for the comfort and well-being of those who are at the end of their lives.

I shall seek always to deserve the trust of patients.
To this end I shall be truthful in my dealings with them, defend their interests,
Show due regard for their wishes, preserved the secrets which they confide in me as their doctor,
As far as my duty to society as a whole will permit, and act fairly between one patient and another.

I shall respect patient’s values, beliefs and traditions, especially where they differ from my own.

I shall never abuse in any way the trust placed in me as a doctor.

I shall seek constantly to improve my medical knowledge and skills,
And to share these with my colleagues and students, in order that we may serve our patients better.

I shall carry out my professional duties, including teaching and research,
With honesty and integrity.

In this and other ways I shall treat my colleagues in the profession and related professions
With respect and co-operate with them for the good of patients.

And, by an honorable life in the eyes of God, and in the service of humanity,
I shall bring credit to this University and those who have taught me.