
A newborn doctor who is enthusiastic about her career and passionate for her life and of course, she also dreams a lot when she is awake...

Saturday, June 17, 2006

showing off my new shoes

Pampered myself with one pair of new sport shoes after getting my third month salary :)
Got it from Jaya Jusco Ipoh in conjunction with its anniversary sale (or some thing like that).
Only realised I bought the same style as the previous pair. I bought my first pair of Brooks in December last year.Have been wearing the old pair most of the days for my workout routine for the past six months. Can tell from its surface that the shoes are showing signs of wear.So today i decided to give my old shoes a treat-let it to have a break. And I will be wearing the new pair for jogging from today onwards.

"Brooks"-knew this brand while i met my jogging fellows in Batu Pahat. Most of them are wearing this brand.Besides recommended by them, also checked the brand out from this website myself.Feel free to browse and maybe you will like it.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

My Hb Electrophoresis results

Asked my collegue to take 4-5cc of my blood to send for Haemoglobin Analysis.Wanted to do the test ages ago and now finally took the initiatives to get it done while I'm still in the Paediatrics Department. It's a simple test being done commonly in the paeds ward. When I visited my cousin (first cousin) in Manchester last year, her newborn baby was tested to be a Thalassaemia carrier. Wishing to know my own status since then, now finally got it done.
Today the results came back and turned out to be like this. (not something worring, finally I'm relieved)

Tests Results
Hb Quantization Hb A 88.2% (normal range >95%)
Hb A2 2.6% (normal range <3.5%)
Hb F 0.1% (normal range <1.7%)
Hb E -
Others -

Hb Electrophoresis Hb Subtypes A

H inclusion test Negative

RBC morphology normocytic normochromic (*grin* always thought that my easy
fatigue and lack of stamina is due to dietary deficiency or genetically heritable anaemia)

Impression/Comment: No evidence of haemoglobinopathy
Reported by: Dr.Kxxxxchexxx (the HOD of Haematology Department in HBI)

This is even more convincing when I saw that my blood specimen was read by the HOD :P, so no doubt at all with the results interpretation)