First day in a new posting

Have already left paediatrics department officially and started a new posting today.Was told to attend the pass-over in the clinic at 7.30am first before going to the ward. Was overwhelmed by how loudly the consultants and specialsts talked during the pass-over this morning. Emm...Realised they are not like those soft-spoken doctors in Paediatrics department.

Yes, today is my first day in Orthopaedics. I'm starting a new posting with the first 5-day of tagging first before formally working in the deparment.Basically, i need to work from 7am in the morning, to start with morning rounds, then about 1-2 hours break in the evening, tag again at night from 7pm onwards until 11.00pm or until the oncall specialist has finished his night rounds.
One of the Junior M.O. told us that during our tagging, we should do as much as clerking as we can, so that we can present the cases the next morning and impress our consultants. Bullshit! Another senior H.O. (just few weeks more senior than me), forced us to stay back til midnight to help her to clerk and settle new admissions during her oncall. Inhumanity!
Being a new face here, we are always being bullied. They are four of us who reported to this department on the same day. So we will do our tagging together. Not too bad, as all bullying will be spread evenly :P muahahaha