
A newborn doctor who is enthusiastic about her career and passionate for her life and of course, she also dreams a lot when she is awake...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Seven telltale signs of falling in love

  1. When you are busy, you still try to find time to look at your mobile, waiting for his sms.
  2. If you enjoy going for a stroll with him or going out alone with him.
  3. You pretend not to bother about his presence, but, when he is out of your sight, you try to search for him.
  4. You're concern, when he is hurt or falls sick.
  5. You feel uneasy when he's close to someone of your same gender.
  6. You feel happy when you see his face wreathed in smiles.
  7. You are thinking of him while reading this post.