A coward
Ya, I'm right. My captain called me yesterday evening to inform me that I'll on oncall on 1st Nov. As predicted.
I have to say, it's my unhappiest call, ever. Not becoz I didn't get to sleep, but for something else (In fact, I didn't really sleep for a single minute, a non-stop working day, like a Marathon...for 36 hours). But my upset is due to something else.
I think I have ever mentioned that I'm very disappointed with human's attitute. Among the problems I have faced in my career's path, so far, are such like politics, conflicts, human relationship, medico-legacies, and the most terrible is human's behaviour and attitute. I would say the formers are ok, and sometimes avoidable, if we know how to handle them properly and diplomatically. But human's behaviours is something that u cannot change. It's an unmodifieable inborn error of characters, that's gifted (or born with, a better term) within someone.
My M.O. is such a pervert that he knew taking consent in orthopaedics especially if involving procedures or some devastating surgeries, it really bears high risks of stepping into the battle of lawsuit.
While doing a case of wound debridement for a laceration at the big toe, we found that the nail was partially avulsed and the nailbed was injured. No way we were just going to do the debridement, toileting and suturing (T&S) at the edge of the partly avulsed nail, without repairing it. Then we realised that the patient has only given a written consent to do wound debridement and T&S, nothing else more than that. Then my M.O. instructed me :
"Just excise the nail and repair the nailbed."
(He ordered me to do it as if it wasn't an option).
I had no choice but to follow. Then right immediately after I avulsed the nail, by using forcep and scissors, he said:
"See, u are the one who avulsed the nail, not me, and the patient did not consent for that. So later, if at all, patient complains or asks for explaination, you are the one to be responsible,ok?Understand?"
What the f*#&!!!!!
I have never seen such a coverd and pervert before. This has really put me off. (But I realised I should have defended myself, or stood on my own feet, by rejecting his instructions).
Again, I learned something!
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